BOE Trainings
Board of Education Members Completing Trainings and Attendance at IASB Conferences, NW Division Meetings 2011 - 2024
Dustin Collins 2023 - 2027
FY24 Open Meetings Act Training for School Board Members | 08.29.23 |
FY24 Basics of Governance | 08.29.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting - Hosted by Meridian 223 | 03.06.24 |
Tim DeVries 2013 - 2025
FY13 Northwest Division Meeting | 03.21.13 |
FY14 Open Meetings Act Training for School Board Members | 07.21.13 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.13-11.24.13 |
FY14 Basics of Governance | 11.22.13 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.21.14-11.23.14 |
FY15 Performance Evaluation Reform Act | 11.21.14 |
FY 15 Professional Development Leadership Training | 11.21.14 |
FY15 Panel Presentation: Changing Cultures: Strategic Planning That Works | 11.22.14 |
August 2015 - Received IASB LeaderShop Academy Membership | |
FY16 Northwest Division Fall Dinner/Meeting | 10.27.15 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.20.15-11.22.15 |
FY16 Social Media Primer: Everything You Need to Know About Today's Social Channels | 11.20.15 |
FY16 Panel Presentation: Tips: Passing a Referendum in a Small Town | 11.20.15 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated Board Self-Evaluation | 05.12.16 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated In-District Workshop: Board Governance Review | 05.12.16 |
FY17 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.06.16 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.16 - 11.20.16 |
FY 17 LeaderShop Workshop: Myers-Brigs Type Indicator | 11.18.16 |
FY 17 Panel Presentation: Superintendent Evaluation: Getting It Right | 11.19.16 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.17-11.19.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: Using Data to Make Decisions | 11.17.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: The R Factor: How to Manage the Only Thing You Control | 11.17.17 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.07.18 |
FY 18 Northwest Division Fall Dinner Meeting Host/Attend | 10.29.18 |
FY18 Panel Presentation: Culture Change: From Toxic to Transformational | 11.16.18-11.18.18 |
FY19 Alliance Leadership Summit | 02.26.19-02.27.19 |
FY19 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.13.19 |
IMEC Conference on Enterprise Excellence | 03.27.19 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.19-11.24.19 |
FY20 LeaderShop Workshop: Attention Pays | 11.22.19 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 10.29.20 |
FY21 Leadershop Workshop: Equity: An Education Imperative | 11.10.20 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 03.03.21 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.19.21-11.21.21 |
FY22 Panel Presentation: Meaningful Conversations Lead to Meaningful Change | 11.20.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 04.06.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.24.22 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.22-11.20.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting | 03.01.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.04.23 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.23-11.19.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting - Hosted by Meridian 223 | 03.06.24 |
IASB Board Presidents' Academy | 06.15.24 |
Jill Huber 2015 - 2025
FY16 Open Meetings Act Training for School Board Members | 05.29.15 |
FY16 Profession Development Leadership Training | 05.29.15 |
FY16 Performance Evaluation Reform Act Training | 05.29.15 |
FY16 Basics of Governance | 05.30.15 |
August 2015 - Received IASB LeaderShop Academy Membership | |
FY16 Northwest Division Fall Dinner/Meeting | 10.27.15 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.20.15-11.22.15 |
FY16 Social Media Primer: Everything You Need to Know About Today's Social Channels | 11.20.15 |
FY16 Panel Presentation: Tips: Passing a Referendum in a Small Town | 11.20.15 |
FY16 Bullying Prevention: The Board's Role | 11.20.15 |
FY17 Northwest Division Spring Dinner/Meeting | 03.03.16 |
FY16 LeaderShop Symposium: Organizational Health | 06.18.16 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated Board Self-Evaluation | 05.12.16 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated In-District Workshop: Board Governance Review | 05.12.16 |
FY17 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.06.16 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.16-11.20.16 |
FY 17 LeaderShop Workshop: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | 11.18.16 |
FY 17 Panel Presentation: Superintendent Evaluation: Getting It Right | 11.19.16 |
FY17 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.02.17 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.02.17 |
IASB Professional Development Award Level 2 | 10.02.17 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.17-11.19.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: Using Data to Make Decisions | 11.17.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: The R Factor: How to Manage the Only Thing You Control | 11.17.17 |
FY18 Senate Bill 100: School Discipline Reform | 02.05.18 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.07.18 |
Leadershop Academy Symposium: Visions, Values, Conflicts, & Decisions | 06.09.18 |
FY18 Northwest Division Fall Dinner Meeting Host/Attend | 10.29.18 |
FY18 Panel Presentation: Culture Change: From Toxic to Transformational | 11.16.18-11.18.18 |
FY19 Alliance Leadership Summit | 02.26.19-02.27.19 |
FY19 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.13.19 |
IMEC Conference on Enterprise Excellence | 03.27.19 |
FY20 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.30.19 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.19-11.24.19 |
FY20 LeaderShop Workshop: Attention Pays | 11.22.19 |
FY20 LeaderShop Workshop: The Happiness Advantage | 11.22.19 |
FY21 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.10.20 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 10.29.20 |
FY21 Leadershop Workshop: Equity: An Education Imperative | 11.10.20 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 03.03.21 |
FY21 Leadershop Academy Master Board Member Maintained | 09.20.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 09.28.21 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.19.21-11.21.21 |
FY22 Panel Presentation: Meaningful Conversations Lead to Meaningful Change | 11.20.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 04.06.22 |
FY23 IASB Workshop: The Trust Edge Experience | 08.06.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.24.22 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.22-11.20.22 |
FY23 LeaderShop Workshop: Partnership Is THe New Leadership | 11.18.22 |
FY23 LeaderShop Workshop: Re-Examining the Board's Role In Community Engagement | 11.18.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting | 03.01.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.04.23 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.23-11.19.23 |
FY24 Panel Presentation: A Guidebook for All BOEs in Search of a New CEO | 11.17.23 |
FY24 LeaderShop Workshop: Influence Redefined: Be the Leader You Were Meant To Be | 11.17.23 |
FY24 LeaderShop Workshop: Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential | 11.17.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting - Hosted by Meridian 223 | 03.06.24 |
IASB Board Presidents' Academy | 06.15.24 |
Matt Rhodes 2017 - 2025
Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.02.17 |
FY 17 Open Meetings Act Training for SB Members | 04.05.17 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.17-11.19.17 |
FY18 Performance Evaluation Reform Act | 11.17.17 |
FY18 Professional Development Leadership Training | 11.17.17 |
FY18 Northwest Division Fall Dinner Meeting Host/Attend | 10.29.18 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.19-11.24.19 |
FY21 Leadershop Workshop: Equity: An Education Imperative | 11.10.20 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.19.21-11.21.21 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.22-11.20.22 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.23-11.19.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting - Hosted by Meridian 223 | 03.06.24 |
John Smith 2011 - 2027
FY12 Basics of Governance | 07.23.11 |
FY13 Board Self Evaluation | 01.05.12 |
FY13 Northwest Division Meeting | 09.20.12 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.16.12-11.18.12 |
FY13 Leading Across Generations | 11.16.12 |
FY13 Inspiring Trust | 11.16.12 |
FY13 Making Meetings Matter | 11.16.12 |
FY13 Open Meetings Act Training for School Board Members | 01.01.13 |
FY13 Northwest Division Meeting | 03.21.13 |
FY14 Leading Leaders: The Job of the Board President | 08.10.13 |
August 2013 - Received IASB LeaderShop Academy Membership | |
FY14 Northwest Division Meeting | 09.19.13 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.13-11.24.13 |
FY14 The Boards First Responsibility | 11.22.13 |
FY14 Basics of Finance | 12.02.13 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.21.14-11.23.14 |
FY15 The Trust Edge | 11.21.14 |
FY15 Media Interest or Media Circus: How school Board members Can manage their message in a big, new media world | 11.21.14 |
FY15 Panel Presentation: Changing Cultures: Strategic Planning That Works | 11.22.14 |
FY16 Northwest Division Fall Dinner/Meeting | 10.28.15 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.20.15-11.22.15 |
FY16 Performance Evaluation Reform Act | 11.20.15 |
FY 16 Professional Development Leadership Training | 11.20.15 |
FY16 Panel Presentation: Tips: Passing a Referendum in a SmallTown | 11.20.15 |
FY16 Panel Presentation: Sharing Services: Combining Resources To Thrive | 11.21.15 |
2015 Recipient of the Thomas Lay Burroughs Award | 11.23.15 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated Board Self-Evaluation | 05.12.16 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated In-District Workshop: Board Governance Review | 05.12.16 |
FY17 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.06.16 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.16-11.20.16 |
FY 17 LeaderShop Workshop: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | 11.18.16 |
FY 17 Panel Presentation: Superintendent Evaluation: Getting It Right | 11.19.16 |
FY17 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.02.17 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.02.17 |
IASB LeaderShop Fellow Award | 10.02.17 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.17-11.19.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: Using Data to Make Decisions | 11.17.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: The R Factor: How to Manage the Only Thing You Control | 11.17.17 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.07.18 |
Leadershop Academy Symposium: Visions, Values, Conflicts, & Decisions | 06.09.18 |
FY19 Northwest Division Fall Dinner Meeting Host/Attend | 10.29.18 |
FY19 Alliance Leadership Summit | 02.26.19-02.27.19 |
FY19 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.13.19 |
IMEC Conference on Enterprise Excellence | 03.27.19 |
FY20 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.30.19 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.19-11.24.19 |
FY20 LeaderShop Workshop: Attention Pays | 11.22.19 |
FY 20 LeaderShop Workshop: Balancing Effective Governance | 11.22.19 |
FY20 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.10.20 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 10.29.20 |
FY21 Leadershop Workshop: Equity: An Education Imperative | 11.10.20 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 03.03.21 |
FY21 Leadershop Academy Master Board Member Maintained | 09.20.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.04.21 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.19.21-11.21.21 |
FY22 Panel Presentation: Meaningful Conversations Lead to Meaningful Change | 11.20.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 04.06.22 |
FY23 IASB Workshop: The Trust Edge Experience | 08.06.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.24.22 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.22-11.20.22 |
FY23 LeaderShop Workshop: Partnership Is The New Leadership | 11.18.22 |
FY23 LeaderShop Workshop: Re-Examining the Board's Role In Community Engagement | 11.18.22 |
FY23 Panel Presentation: Superintendent Evaluation: Pathways To a Productive Process | 11.19.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting | 03.01.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.04.23 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.23-11.19.23 |
FY24 Panel Presentation: A Guidebook for All BOEs in Search of a New CEO | 11.17.23 |
FY24 LeaderShop Workshop: Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential | 11.17.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting - Hosted by Meridian 223 | 03.06.24 |
IASB Board Presidents' Academy | 06.15.24 |
Marsha Welden 2013 - 2025
FY13 Open Meetings Act Training for School Board Members | 06.07.13 |
FY13 Performance Evaluation Reform Act | 06.07.13 |
FY13 Professional Development Leadership Training | 06.07.13 |
August - 2013 Received IASB LeaderShop Academy Membership | |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.13-11.24.13 |
FY14 Basics of Finance | 11.22.13 |
FY16 Northwest Division Fall Dinner/Meeting | 10.28.15 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.21.14-11.23.14 |
FY15 Profession Development Leadership Training | 11.21.14 |
FY15 Performance Evaluation Reform Act | 11.21.14 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.20.15-11.22.15 |
FY16 Social Media Primer: Everything You Need to Know About Today's Social Channels | 11.20.15 |
FY16 Panel Presentation: Tips: Passing a Referendum in a Small Town | 11.20.15 |
FY16 Northwest Division Spring Dinner/Meeting | 03.03.16 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated Board Self-Evaluation | 05.12.16 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated In-District Workshop: Board Governance Review | 05.12.16 |
FY17 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.06.16 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.16-11.20.16 |
FY 17 LeaderShop Workshop: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | 11.18.16 |
FY 17 Panel Presentation: Superintendent Evaluation: Getting It Right | 11.19.16 |
FY17 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.02.17 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.02.17 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.17-11.19.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: Using Data to Make Decisions | 11.17.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: Get Your Message Out | 11.17.17 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.07.18 |
Leadershop Academy Symposium: Visions, Values, Conflicts, & Decisions | 06.09.18 |
FY18 Northwest Division Fall Dinner Meeting Host/Attend | 10.29.18 |
FY18 Panel Presentation: Culture Change: From Toxic to Transformational | 11.16.18-11.18.18 |
FY19 Alliance Leadership Summit | 02.26.19-02.27.19 |
FY19 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.13.19 |
IMEC Conference on Enterprise Excellence | 03.27.19 |
FY20 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.30.19 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.19-11.24.19 |
FY20 LeaderShop Workshop: Attention Pays | 11.22.19 |
FY20 LeaderShop Workshop: Happiness Advantage | 11.22.19 |
FY21 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.10.20 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 10.29.20 |
FY21 Leadershop Workshop: Equity: An Education Imperative | 11.10.20 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 03.03.21 |
FY21 Leadershop Academy Master Board Member Maintained | 09.20.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 09.28.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.04.21 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.19.21-11.21.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.24.22 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.22-11.20.22 |
FY23 LeaderShop Workshop: Partnership Is the New Leadership | 11.18.22 |
FY23 LeaderShop Workshop: Re-Examining the Board's Role In Community Engagement | 11.18.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting | 03.01.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting | 10.04.23 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.23-11.19.23 |
FY24 Panel Presentation: A Guidebook for All BOEs in Search of a New CEO | 11.17.23 |
FY24 LeaderShop Workshop: Influence Redefined: Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be | 11.17.23 |
FY24 LeaderShop Workshop: Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential | 11.17.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting - Hosted by Meridian 223 | 03.06.24 |
Kristine Youman 2013 - April 2023, Nov 2023- 2025
FY14 Open Meetings Act Training for School Board Members | 09.30.13 |
FY14 Basics of Finance | 12.02.13 |
FY15 Profession Development Leadership Training | 06.30.14 |
FY15 Performance Evaluation Reform Act | 07.29.14 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.21.14-11.23.14 |
FY15 Basics of Governance | 11.21.14 |
FY15 Panel Presentation: Changing Cultures: Strategic Planning That Works | 11.22.14 |
August 2015 - Received IASB LeaderShop Academy Membership | |
FY16 Northwest Division Fall Dinner/Meeting | 10.27.15 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated Board Self-Evaluation | 05.12.16 |
FY16 IASB - Facilitated In-District Workshop: Board Governance Review | 05.12.16 |
FY17 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.06.16 |
FY 17 LeaderShop Workshop: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | 11.18.16 |
FY 17 Panel Presentation: Superintendent Evaluation: Getting It Right | 11.19.16 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.02.17 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.17-11.19.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: Using Data to Make Decisions | 11.17.17 |
FY18 LeaderShop Workshop: The R Factor: How to Manage the Only Thing You Control | 11.17.17 |
FY18 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.07.18 |
FY18 Northwest Division Fall Dinner Meeting Host/Attend | 10.29.18 |
FY18 Panel Presentation: Culture Change: From Toxic to Transformational | 11.16.18-11.18.18 |
FY19 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.13.19 |
IMEC Conference on Enterprise Excellence | 03.27.19 |
FY20 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 10.30.19 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.19-11.24.19 |
FY20 LeaderShop Workshop: Balancing Effective Governance and | 11.22.19 |
FY20 LeaderShop Workshop: Happiness Advantage | 11.22.19 |
FY21 Northwest Division Dinner Meeting | 03.10.20 |
FY21Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 10.29.20 |
FY21 Leadershop Workshop: Equity: An Education Imperative | 11.10.20 |
FY21 Northwest Division Virtual Meeting | 03.03.21 |
FY21 Leadershop Academy Master Board Member Maintained | 09.20.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 09.28.21 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.19.21-11.21.21 |
FY22 Northwest Division Meeting | 04.06.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting-Virtual | 10.24.22 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.22-11.20.22 |
FY23 Northwest Division Meeting | 03.01.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting - Hosted by Meridian 223 | 03.06.24 |
Elaine Nicholson-Secretary to the Board of Education 2013 - 2024
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.21.14-11.23.14 |
FY15 Administrative Professionals' Program: "The Latest Innovation Is You!" | 11.21.14 |
FY15Changing Cultures: Strategic Planning That Works | 11.22.14 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.20.15-11.22.15 |
FY16 Passing a Referendum in a Small Town | 11.20.15 |
FY16 Sharing Services: Combining Resources to Thrive | 11.21.15 |
FY16 3rd General Session, Kevin Brown Keynote, John Smith Award Presentation | 11.22.15 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.16-11.20.16 |
FY17 Superintendent Evaluation: Getting It Right | 11.18.16 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.17-11.19.17 |
FY18 Administrative Professionals' Program: Reframe Your Perspective, Train Your Technique | 11.17.17 |
FY18 Administrative Professionals' Program: Exciting Changes to Your PRESS Plus Service | 11.18.17 |
FY19 Northwest Division Fall Dinner Meeting Host/Attend | 10.29.18 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.16.18-11.18.18 |
FY19 Administrative Professionals Program: Conscious Conversation for Stronger Relationships | 11.16.18 |
FY19 Culture Change: From Toxic to Transformational | 11.16.18 |
IMEC Conference on Enterprise Excellence | 03.27.19 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.22.19-11.24.19 |
FY20 Administrative Professionals' Program: Dealing with Difficult People | 11.22.19 |
FY20 Administrative Professionals' Program: Google Forms and Sheets | 11.22.19 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.19.21-11.21.21 |
2021 Recipient of the Holly Jack Outstanding Service Award | 11.20.21 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.18.22-11.20.22 |
FY23 Panel Presentation: Keys to a Successful Administrative Professional & Superintendent Partnership | 11.18.22 |
FY23 Superintendent Evaluation: Pathways to a Productive Process | 11.19.22 |
IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference | 11.17.23-11.19.23 |
FY24 Panel Presentation: A Guidebook for All BOEs in Search of a New CEO | 11.17.23 |
FY24 Northwest Division Meeting - Hosted by Meridian 223 | 03.06.24 |